Sunday, June 5, 2011

Almost Summer

One week left of school which means I'll be cutting back a lot on bento making for the summer. It's a tough week to feel motivated for all of us but we'll make it through. This weekend was our first weekend of the year to really feel like summer, even the chives have blossomed. I decided to stuff Annie's lunch with them since 1. They're pretty; 2. They're tasty, and; 3.They are a sure sign it's summer! With the chives are tomato flowers stuffed with an oregano leaf, cream cheese and a single petal of the chive flowers as well as a grilled pork loin adorned with fresh oregano. I love that my garden herbs are full and ready to eat without me having to lift a finger! They grow like weeds... which, I guess, they are. The other side has a tin of fresh blueberries along with a dried pineapple, goji berry and granola mixture. You know, I kind of really want to keep this lunch for me!